I've mentioned before that I've been struggling with shin splints a bit over the past few weeks. I've been cycling and swimming to give myself some rest, and still feel like my training has not suffered much.
Last Saturday I was goofing off with my almost five year old son when something far worse happened. I was aimlessly jogging along when I felt something give in my right calf. I had an immediate spasm of pain and couldn't do anything more than hobble.
All of my symptoms have me with a pretty textbook calf strain. Thankfully, it's not a full rupture or even a very serious strain. A week later I'm confident that I'll make the starting line for the race next Saturday morning. How far or fast I'll be able to run is anybody's guess, and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish. But I'll line up at least.
I took complete rest over the past 7 days, and I plan to continue until Thursday morning. Hopefully that will be enough. Thankfully, this race has a natural bail-out point - my parent's house is at mile 2.5 or so on this route. If I am having major issues by that point I can drop, and I think I'll know pretty quickly if I am having serious issues. It's a bummer to go into the race with this much uncertainty, especially after having trained so hard. Prior to my calf issue I was hoping to smash my PR. Now I'm just hoping to finish.
Wow. Your body is giving you fits lately. I wonder what message it is sending.